Bogota Ndị ọrụ ibe niile zụtara nke a Bogota ikpo okwu na-ebuli elu, Bogota ikpo okwu na-ebuli elu, Bogota ikpo okwu na-ebuli elu, Bogota ikpo okwu na-ebuli elu dị mfe? Bogota Enwere ike ịhazi ngwaahịa dị iche iche dịka mkpa ndị ahịa si dị!


Multi-asụsụ version ịmafe
Sygrui akpaaka System Co., LTD.commodity:BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweBogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweOdd Numbers:0101700952969Bid:800982969BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweTimes of demand:6Latest classification:BogotaAhiaReceiving address:Mba. 28 Gao Shi RoadApplication products:Ngwaọrụ eletrik eletrik. ọrụ nka; akụrụngwa ikuku na-ekpo ọkụ; akụrụngwa gburugburu;Rueieng electromechanical Co., LTD.commodity:BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweBogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweOdd Numbers:0293758912329Fid:888912629BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweTimes of demand:8Latest classification:BogotaGeneral ngwa na-arụ ọrụReceiving address:Gae liApplication products:Ihe eji eme ihe eji eme ihe; igwe; na-ere ọkụ; nlekwa anyaFang Zheng Electronic Na-adịrị C., LTD.commodity:BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweBogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweOdd Numbers:09256690969726id:669096982BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaGeneral ngwa na-arụ ọrụReceiving address:Qing Yun na HuanzhenApplication products:Igwe eletriki; Azụmaahịa. Ahịa na Ọrụ Nrụpụta; Ntinye Electromechanical; Ngwaọrụ na-eme ihe; NgwaọrụTianda Century Butenụ teknụzụ TIE., LTD.commodity:BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweBogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweOdd Numbers:0100792658467Wid:892688468BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaAhiaReceiving address:Ime ụlọ 2862, ụlọ 3, Hengda Royal Peninsula, ụlọ na-ewu ụlọ, Nke 36Application products:Teknụzụ R & D na ahịa nke akụrụngwa akụrụngwa; ma e wezụga ọkụ eletrik dị ala; azụmaahịa na ntinye; ihe mgbochi; valve; ireRong DA Light Technoxk Teknụzụ C., LTD.commodity:BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweBogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweOdd Numbers:0282398984328Xid:698984628BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaSayensị na ụlọ ọrụ teknụzụ na ụlọ ọrụ ntinye akwụkwọReceiving address:Okporo ụzọ Ndị Ntorobịa 393 (YinFen n'Hall No. 1 Iwu 2-336)Application products:Nchọpụta teknụzụ na mmepe; Ngwongwo na ebe a na-ere ihe; nhazi;;
Yongsheng Co., LTD.commodity:BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereBogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereOdd Numbers:0101MA09WC8B36id:MA09WC8B6BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaAhiaReceiving address:Gao Zhao North Zhao Qiaotou North Bans 266mApplication products:Ewezuga ihe mgbochi kemịkal na-egbu egbu; ihe eji eme ihe; ihe eji eme ihe; ihe eji eme ya; ihe eji ewepu ya; ; NKWUPUTA NIILE; NSỌ :: Nzù ọrụ. AkụrụngwaTeknụzụ ngwa eletrik pụrụ iche.commodity:BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereBogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereOdd Numbers:0605068101895Uid:068101898BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaIgwe eletriki na mmepụta ngwaReceiving address:Nke 663, Nke 89, Hantai RoadApplication products:Ihe eji ele elektrọnik; ngwa ọrụ na-agbanwe ọkụ; ngwa ọrụ phovoltaic na ihe. Mmepe ngwanrọ; ahịaYuanda ahia Co., LTD.commodity:BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereBogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereOdd Numbers:0982109588696Kid:109888696BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaAhiaReceiving address:Ahịhịa okporo ọka na mbara igweApplication products:A na-ere ahịa; ime ihe eji eme ihe; ihe eji eme ihe; plastiki; akụrụngwa; mmanụ; inye igwe eji eme ihe;Chiyu gburugburu injinia Co., LTD.commodity:BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereBogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereOdd Numbers:0403073723832Mid:086826862BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereTimes of demand:19Latest classification:BogotaNyocha na mmepe nnwaleReceiving address:Nke 2368, Wenlicing, Nke 386, North EvestApplication products:Akụrụngwa gburugburu ebe obibi na mmepe nke teknụzụ mmiri; Ntinye aka na ọrụ; ;;COTYUAN GAS COM.commodity:BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereBogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereOdd Numbers:10036958837509id:698886880BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaỌrụ isi obodoReceiving address:Nke 2-2366, ulo nke iteghete, nke asatọApplication products:Maka ọrụ gas; akụrụngwa gas; akụrụngwa mmanụ; mmanụ; mmanụ; ọrụ teknụzụ gas
Deyaqi Teknụzụ C., LTD.commodity:BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweBogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweOdd Numbers:1181MA0DNFTXX9id:MA0DNFTXXBogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaRoba na plastik ngwaahịaReceiving address:Yang Kong iseApplication products:R & D; mmepụta; ngwaahịa na ngwaahịa plastik; ngwaike. Ihe eji eme ihe;Gushenng elektrik teknụzụ GE., LTD.commodity:BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweBogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweOdd Numbers:0108MA0CHHF7X6id:MA0CHHF8XBogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaNyocha na mmepe nnwaleReceiving address:26-3-3-62, ogige a na-anwụ, ubi, Nke 366, Yuaning BuildingApplication products:Akụrụngwa eletriki; nyocha na mmepe; ahịa; mmepe anya;Ngwaọrụ akụrụngwa eletrik na-arụ ọrụ.commodity:BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweBogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweOdd Numbers:0606074899514Qid:084899814BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweTimes of demand:5Latest classification:BogotaIgwe eletriki na mmepụta ngwaReceiving address:Ime ụlọ 668, 669, Gunchiang New R & D, Huiyang StreetApplication products:Nnyefe na mmepụta akụrụngwa; arụpụta; waya na eriri na igwe eletrik; na mmepe ngwanrọ metụtara)Udiri ọgbọụ na-eme ihe ọhụrụ Co., LTD.commodity:BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweBogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweOdd Numbers:112339889105X9id:69889108XBogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaNrụpụta Ngwaahịa Na-abụghị MetallicReceiving address:XiaozhuangApplication products:Ihe eji eme ihe. Nnyocha na mmepe nke ọkụ eletrik; mmepụta; ihe eji eme ihe; ngwongwo ma ọ bụ mbubata teknụzụ.Qi Wei Igwe Indurry CO., LTD.commodity:BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweBogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweOdd Numbers:04236799484548id:689948484BogotaPlatafo na-enweghị mgbanweTimes of demand:9Latest classification:BogotaỤlọ ọrụ na-arụ ọrụ ugbo na nke ọrụ ugboReceiving address:Zuo ahiaApplication products:Nhazi ọka wheat na ire ma na-ere nri; zụta nri na ire ma ọ bụ ngwaahịa ọrụ. Ngwaọrụ a na-ere ahịa. Ngwá ọrụ; ngwaọrụ ọrụ; efu Ngwaọrụ na mbubata teknụzụ ma ọ bụ ma e wezụga maka ngwongwo na usoro maka azụmaahịa ma ọ bụ nzọpụta

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Ntinye na njikwa teknụzụ nchịkwa na ngalaba., LTD.commodity:BogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuBogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuOdd Numbers:0108MA0A6M8C85id:MA0A6M8C8BogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuTimes of demand:11Latest classification:BogotaNyocha na mmepe nnwaleReceiving address:Ebe Halllọ Nzukọ West, Ofter 3rd, Nke 28 THAHUNApplication products:Mmepe ngwaahịa elektrọnik; Ahịa ngwa eletrik; Ahịa; ngwa elektrọnik; ngwaahịa elektrọnik; AhịaZhongxu gburugburu COT., LTD.commodity:BogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuBogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuOdd Numbers:0203MA07NDYJ69id:MA08NDYJ6BogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaSayensị na ụlọ ọrụ teknụzụ na ụlọ ọrụ ntinye akwụkwọReceiving address:Nke 3-8, Yijing WenyuanApplication products:Ọrụ teknụzụ ọhụụ; ọrụ nzọpụta.Fei na-azụ ahịa Co., LTD.commodity:BogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuBogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuOdd Numbers:0101075982344Wid:088982644BogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaAhiaReceiving address:Goldman Sachs na C, 6669Application products:Storelọ ahịa Ngalaba; Nchịkwa. Ngwakọta nke ọdịbendị; Ngwaahịa ngwaike; Akpụkpọ ụkwụ uwe; Ngwaọrụ, ngwaike na ngwanrọ na ngwanrọ na akụrụngwa na-arụ ọrụ, na-ere ahịaAkụkụ ndị Europe na-arụpụta ihe na-arụ ọrụ CO., LTD.commodity:BogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuBogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuOdd Numbers:09300931470515id:096148081BogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaIndustlọ Ọrụ Productlọ Ọrụ NgwaahịaReceiving address:Niu Jinzhuang mengzhuangApplication products:Pipeline; imeputa ihe eji eme ihe; Njirimara. Nchọpụta;Teknụzụ teknụzụ Tianyi ọrụ ugbo T., LTD.commodity:BogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuBogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuOdd Numbers:0323319830620Cid:619860620BogotaNa-ebuli elu ikpo okwuTimes of demand:4Latest classification:BogotaSayensị na ụlọ ọrụ teknụzụ na ụlọ ọrụ ntinye akwụkwọReceiving address:榆 河西 河西 西南 西南 263 North ChinaApplication products:Mmepe teknụzụ ọrụ ugbo; ọrụ nlegharị anya; fatịlaịza ọrụ; nri; kemikal na fatịlaịza na ngwaahịa nri microbial.
Mgbanwe mbụ, ịntegịrịta nke mbụ, njem na-enweghị isi
Artboard 22
Ọkembanye ngwa dị elu, kalite dị mma, na قيte dị mmenwu
Xinnuo akụrụngwa Co., LTD.commodity:BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereBogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereOdd Numbers:0606762061088Bid:862061088BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereTimes of demand:15Latest classification:BogotaAhiaReceiving address:Ime ụlọ 688, Nke 688, Nke 688, Fengqi Street, Lanchi, China, A2868Application products:Ụdị akụrụngwa abụọ; ụdị akụrụngwa abụọ; ihe eji eme ihe; na-akwụ ụgwọ na ngwa ọrụ; ihe eji arụ ọrụ;Yin Hen Hang Electromechanical Teknụ, LTD.commodity:BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereBogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereOdd Numbers:0101MA09B64L9Cid:MA09B64L9BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaNyocha na mmepe nnwaleReceiving address:Ugwu ahụ na-eme gburugburu ahụ, Nke 229, Huangshan Street, Ugbo ChemicalApplication products:Ngwaọrụ electromechanical; nyocha nke teknụzụ ngwa ọrụ; ihe eji arụ ọrụ; Wire;Xinming teknụzụ mmepe CE., LTD.commodity:BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereBogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereOdd Numbers:0200788668064Wid:888668064BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereTimes of demand:4Latest classification:BogotaAhiaReceiving address:Egwuregwu egwuregwu 28Application products:Akụrụngwa na nke AUXIARY; ndị na-eri kọmputa; Ngwaọrụ ụlọ; akụrụngwa ụlọ ọrụ;Flation Yangzi Planity Tect, LTD.commodity:BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereBogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereOdd Numbers:0108774416528Tid:884416828BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereTimes of demand:2Latest classification:BogotaSayensị na ụlọ ọrụ teknụzụ na ụlọ ọrụ ntinye akwụkwọReceiving address:Jianhua South wuru 326 Wanda F Enfice Office Building 63 unit 6868Application products:Akụrụngwa electromechanical; mmepe; ahia; Ahịa na-arụ ọrụ; otu ihe eji eme ya na ngwa.Stlọ Ọrụ Ọrụ Ọrụ Steel Corlọ Ọrụcommodity:BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereBogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereOdd Numbers:02021049189402id:104918940BogotaIkpokoro ebuli edobereTimes of demand:55Latest classification:BogotaAhiaReceiving address:UdoApplication products:Ngwaike; ngwa ngwa; ihe eji eme ihe; ihe eji eme ihe; ihe eji eme ihe; abata na ngwa. Ahịhịa na ngwa.
Mpaghara ngwa
Ihe ndị ahịa anyị na-ekwu mee ka ndị ahịa nwee obi ụtọ
nsogbu nkịtị
kpọtụrụ anyị
  • adreesị :

    Jiyang Development Zone, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China

  • ekwentị :


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Ndị enyi zụrụ Bogota ikpo okwu na-ebuli elu, Bogota ikpo okwu na-ebuli elu, Bogota ikpo okwu na-ebuli elu, Bogota ikpo okwu na-ebuli elu, Bogota ikpo okwu na-ebuli elu, Bogota ikpo okwu na-ebuli elu hụrụ n'ahịa , Bogota ofu ebuli n'elu ikpo okwu, Bogota mfe ebuli n'elu ikpo okwu nwere ike ahaziri, welcome Bogota ahịa ịkpọ na kpakorita. ,Bogota Platform na-ebuli elu, Bogota Ebuli elu kwụ ọtọ, Bogota Ebuli elu dị mfe, Bogota Mfefe ebuli elu.
Bogota Simple Lifting Platform Company bụ onye na-emepụta Bogota ikpo okwu na-ebuli elu, Bogota ikpo okwu na-ebuli elu, Bogota ikpo okwu na-ebuli elu, Bogota ikpo okwu dị mfe, ngwaahịa ndị bụ isi bụ: Bogota ikpo okwu ebuli elu, Bogota ebuli elu Platform.